
We are 100% volunteer-driven

Our organization is made up of 100%  volunteers: those who are willing and able to donate their time, skills, and expertise to make it possible for us to make an impact and serve the community during times of need. We are always looking for individuals who align with our core values and code of conduct to help us with every aspect of our organization: admin, IT, marketing, finance, deployment, events, and more. If you’d like to volunteer within our organization, follow these steps!


Step One

Fill Out an Application

Step Two

Attend an Orientation

We require an orientation to complete your application, these are usually done within 90 days of applying.

Step Three

Get Assigned to Your Volunteer Team

Our Past Volunteers

Great group of people who really came through when we needed help after Hurricane Ida hit. They went above and beyond! Big thank you to every one of them!

– Jgonsoulin, GreatNonprofits.org

Some of the hardest days in recent memory here in south Louisiana have been this summer. Hurricane Ida caused widespread destruction and utility outages. As always, right over the horizon: Cajun Navy Relief comes with aid. From hot meals to water to clean up essentials… CNR isn’t just there for a photo op. They’re our neighbors and they’re helping. Thank you Cajun Navy Relief!

– bradbrla1, GreatNonprofits.org

CNR saved our butts in Houston during Harvey. There would have been so many casualties had they not come. Will be forever grateful!

–tashiaseeba, GreatNonprofits.org

Support Cajun Navy Relief & the Community